I've been thinking about it for a while and somehow it feels right so I've made up my mind - I've decided to stop blogging for a while and close my blog. I've immensely enjoyed writing and sharing my thoughts but like a wise man once said, there's time for everything under the sun. Time to blog and time to be silent. I think I need some silence.
It probably doesn't look that way but there are some areas in my life I'm very private about. So there are things I don't really want to write about. Plus there are some things I can't write about - my job for example. And it's weird as my work takes up most of my time and energy and yet it's something I can't share my feelings about. So sometimes I feel there's not much to say anyway.
And my blog reached a lovely mile stone last week - 10 000 page views. That looks like a good time for a break!
I know there will be days when I will terribly miss blogging and sharing my life. I don't even know what I will do on those days and how I will solve the tension. But I hope I'll come up with something.
So thank you for reading. And thank you for being there for me, I know it's such an anonymous business, this blogging thing, but I still feel people have been there for me through it.
One day I'll be back.
Oh. And if you happen to know a publisher offering a book deal, let me know, I'm interested! :)
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