Something good can come out of every bad situation. I've always known that and yet I get surprised when it happens again, especially when the good comes in the form of good people.
Last week they were the two leading ladies of my life - The Lady and Dr A. N. - who pretty much took me by my hand and walked me through my Great Disappointment. It was unexpected which made it even more heartwarming. I don't think it says in their contract that they ought to offer emotional help to messed-up students who are not happy with their grades haha! So I really appreciate their kindness. They've been able to remind me of some things I tend to forget myself. One of them said the other day that considering the recent happenings in my life I've done 'miraculously well' (quote) and that I shouldn't be too harsh on myself for 'receiving one mark less than superior' during such difficult times. It doesn't take away the disappointment but I guess they have a point. I should stop beating myself up and get ready for the future.
And this is the last time I want to talk about my thesis.
I tried to find and buy a dress for my graduation ceremony today but I couldn't make up my mind. Oh, those hard academic choices never end! :P
But on a serious note, I'm eagerly waiting for my homiletics books to arrive in post. The next school year isn't too far away and one needs to start preparing for it. Woop! I guess academia is still alive, and so am I. :)
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