I once had a dog. His name was Terri.
Now, I was a good kid, a good teenager - no slamming of doors, no secret tattoos (or public ones, for that matter). But when it came to my obsession of having a dog, I used all methods and means known to me to terrorise my parents. I pouted, I cried, I pleaded, I hinted. I just didn't slam doors.
I can't recall if I actually believed my pleading would work, because it was a total surprise for me when my parents left the house for the whole evening once (I was 14) without saying a word and came back with this adorable puppy of a boxer late in the evening. I was speechless. And ecstatic. The thing with pets is that you know you can expect certain things. Going to vet, going for walks, cleaning after him, having fun with him. All these things I could imagine and expect. But there was one thing that was completely unexpected for me, something that took me by surprise - I had no idea you could learn to know an animal so well you can actually read his mind. I didn't know one could know a dog by heart. But that's exactly what happened. I knew Terri by heart. But it wasn't only one way street, somehow he read my mind, too. There were moments when I was considering going for a walk with him. I hadn't changed my clothes yet, I wasn't looking for his leash, I hadn't told him anything, I was just THINKING about it, and already he knew and started dancing around me. Crazy stuff.
When he died nine years later, it was the saddest thing that had happened to me so far. I mourned like I had never done before. And this could sound really disrespectful or childish because I had seen two of my grandparents pass away by this time, but in a sense I had never lost anyone from my immediate family. It was the first time I sometimes had troubles with opening our house's front door because I knew someone who had been so dear to me wasn't there to welcome me any more. I know more about this feeling now.
But I'm hoping to see Terri again one day. Like, I have no idea what to do with this theologically. Some friends have laughed at me when I've told them about it. But I'm waiting for the restoration of ALL creation, and that includes my doggy. And even if Jesus doesn't plan to resurrect all of our pets, I know He'll make an exception for me. Just because I have so much faith.
I'm trying to convince my dad to take a new dog now. He's not exactly thrilled about this idea. Maybe I should try slamming doors?