It was some years ago that I went through the deepest crisis of my faith. Things between me and God got really ugly. It was like a street fight.
One of my main complaints and the thing that really drained my faith was the feeling that I was always giving more than I received. Working in the church, my focus was always on other people, what I could give them, how I could be helpful to them. But then in the end of the day I would come home to my empty apartment, often feeling lonely and grief-stricken, without anyone asking me how I was doing, and the world looked unfair. Or, rather, God looked unfair. I was trying to stay faithful to God and my calling, constantly giving, but I myself never received enough, or so it felt.
Fast forward to the present day.
The wonderful, caring ladies in Ekebyholm church started a Meal Train for our family when L. arrived. I thought people showing up on your door step with warm casseroles was something that only happened in Hollywood movies but no, it has turned out to be a reality for us over these past weeks. Every second evening, there is a soft knock on our door or a discreet text message on our phones, letting us know that another warm meal has been delivered to us. And it makes me tear up right now as I write this - there is something deeply, deeply healing about it. It is not just that I do not have time - or often energy - to cook myself. It is not just that sometimes I sit with a sleeping baby on my lap for two hours straight, unable to even get a glass of water. It is so much more for me - it is the deep and healing realisation that I am in a place where I receive so much more than I give.
Because let's be honest - I am pretty useless these days. Of course, I have one job, to keep this tiny human alive - and it's a big one. But when it comes to the society and when it comes to the church, I'm not doing anything. I am not working, I am not producing anything, I am not supporting anyone, I am not sharing the Word, I am not giving anything. And at this tender moment in my life - I am receiving so much! There is so much love and care around us, and my faith in humanity and in the infinite goodness of God is being restored in a way I never thought was possible (or needed).
I have tried to take a picture of every meal we have received (I think I have forgotten to do it twice - maybe we were just so hungry haha). I want to keep these photos for the years to come as a reminder of the time when I received more than I gave. It feels important to do it.
Peter once told Jesus, "We have left everything behind for your sake, what do we get in return?" I wonder if there was a hint of accusation in his voice when he asked this - just like there was a lot more than a hint of accusation in my voice when I threw this question at God. Jesus didn't mind the question. He replied, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much." Hundred times as much! I am pretty sure He had His church in mind when He said that - there is this miracle that happens in the Kingdom community where people take care of each other. They receive hundredfold for everything they have given (up). These words have come true for me in a very tangible, real way.
Thank you, my dear friends at Ekebyholm (many of whom have little children at home themselves), for your love and warmth. It means a world to me.